About company
MIDIX is based in Vienna (Austria) and offers the package of services for the food industry. The company carries out consulting and project work on the planning of new plants, workflows or production facilities, as well as the development of individual specialized technical solutions. Our specialists with many years of experience will render the necessary assistance in the selection of equipment and spare parts, taking into account the production needs and the range of products.
Our services
Flexible approach in the selection of the necessary equipment for food enterprises. From the arrival of raw materials and primary processing and to the final stage of production of the finished product. Depending on the performance of the enterprise and the specifics of the products, our customers will be offered equipment of leading european manufacturers.

We represent a wide range of packaging equipment of various capacities. Thermoforming machines, traysylarers and vacuum chamber machines in individual execution in accordance with customer requirements and production features. Special solutions for packaging and logistics of finished products are also offered – conveyers and handling systems, industrial lines of various equipment, storage and picking systems.

Consulting services and designing of new plants and individual production sites. Individual approach when choosing a solution and its implementation taking into account the world experience. From the master plan and selection of equipment to the technological, technical design and author's supervision of the final implementation.
MIDIX GmbH I Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 5A, 1220 Vienna, Austria
OOO MIDIX RUS I Lermontova st.2, office 39, Krasnoarmeysk, MO, Russia
Tel.: +43 1 202 27 82
Tel.: +7 495 7601375